GAP Member Play Days

Venue:Jericho National Golf Club  (Directions)Play Date:April 23 2018
Lottery Entry Dates:2/1/2018 thru 3/18/2018 Lottery Drawing:3/19/2018
Entry Fee:$100.00
Tee Times:Jericho National GC  
Format18 Hole Individual Net Stableford
EligibilityOpen to all GAP Members (male and female), 19 years of age or older, who have a valid GHIN handicap through a GAP Member Club.
      AGE LIMIT min: 19       HCP INDEX min: -6  max: 36  
Practice RoundsAre not available for this event.
PairingsGroups of four. Players from the same club may be paired together.
Starting TimesShotgun starts will be utilized for all Member Play Days.
CartsAll players must take a cart for this event. The cart fee is included in the registration fee.
PrizesAll prizes will be in the form of gift certificates, good for merchandise at the Host Club.
TiesAll ties to be broken by using the USGA recommended scorecard tiebreaking method.
Food/BeverageCharlies Tavern will be open. The preferred payment options are cash or credit card only.

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